Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Buddies Who Gonna Help us out Real Good

We needs us some companions ter help us on our destroying da world things. Whaddaya think? We could enlist...

....DA COWS.
Dey real good at bein' all innocent lookin cuz all humans think dey do is eat. Yeah, right. Dey supa stealthy, PLUS dey  sound cool when dey "Moo". Whatta good battle cry! Dis baby looks sad, and sad cows=cute cows. Cute=innocent. Dat real good.

Dey swim round in all da waters and are real good fer distractin' da humans! Also, dey are good on a variable diet, which is real good, cuz in da Antarctic we gots us not a lot o' food. And dey can swim, swimming real stealthy, and stealth REEEEEEEEEAL good.
Now dese lil babies are some real smart 'uns, dey are. Dude, dey are cute and naughty and love ter poke fun at da human's daft noses and all. Dey all reeeeeal swell buddies and we bets us we gonna be real good friends ter dem if we ask real nice. Any V.I.Ps who gots some manners can volunteer to ask em below.
An some o da beavers and da other cool dudes'll help us too as long as we gets us all da glory! So,  if ya gots any real sweet ideas fer us ter get in contact with da best creatures!!! DESTROY DA HUMANS!


  1. I volunteer to ask ta sweet, adowable widdle piggies!
    (22rainbows101-I'm just in super ninja mode)

  2. Thank you! And I gonna ask da cows. Dere a real big field a cows outsida my school and dere's a baby one. I saw it be born.
